How to Edit a Product

See this video for a tutorial.

These are the checklists that you need to accomplish for each import.

1. Copy the first paragraph in “Product description” to “Product short description”.

2. Hide the video box if you see an error in displaying the (unavailable) video.

3. Create “Attributes” so that the cartesian products of the new attributes match all the options.

4. Setup the attributes in product variations.

5. Tick the correct price range boxes (multiple allowed) based on the prices of the product variations. See the following picture.

6. Save the progress. Use “Save Draft”. Do not publish it.

7. Edit the pictures to remove any Chinese characters. Add text for dimensions and other simple information.

8. Go to the product preview to see the product page to make sure if everything is OK. You should be able to a price displayed after you select all the option values for a configuration. If no price is displayed, that means that you have not done the attributes properly, e.g., not filling in all the option values for some variations. Also, make sure the pictures are alright.


1. This video shows how to edit out unwanted texts or pictures by covering it with a shape that matches the background color.

2. Sometimes we want to change the attribute values because we might have made a spelling error, or simply come up with better wordings. When you change the attribute value, the system will not automatically update the values in variations. It will reset it to “Any”. We need to re-fill in those “Any” with the new attribute values. We can only do it ONE AT A TIME, otherwise, we will not know what values to fill in because they would be all mixed up. This video shows you how.


1. All option names start with lower cases and remain lower cases, except for names. The following picture shows the wrong mixing cases.

2. All option values start with upper cases, except for names. The following picture shows a mistake of capitalizing all first letters.

3. The naming of option values need to be consisitent. For example, for shape, we should do “Drum | Bowl”, not “Drum | Bowl Shaped”. The following picture shows the inconsistency.

4. You must choose the appropriate values for the new attributes and cannot leave them blank or “Any value”. Otherwise, the prices for the variations won’t show up. You can check that the attribute values are filled in properly by going to product preview and choose the configurations to show prices. If product price is now shown, that means some attribute values are missing. The following picture shows some missing attribute values.

5. Do not mix independent attributes into one. For example, coffee table and TV cabinet should be two independent attributes, they should not be mixed into one. The following picture shows a mistake of mixing them together. The new attributes can be, for instance, coffee table: “Yes | No”, and TV cabinet: “Standard | Slate | No”.

5. When you are new, do not delete the original attribute “sort by color” for now. We cannot double check your new attributes with the old one to verify the correctness.

6. When breaking down the original big attribute into small ones, you need to do some thinking. Some texts in the big attribute description are *not* values, they are merely descriptions. We should skip those in creating new attributes. For example, the following picture wrongly create attributes for “number of piece” and “for one person”. These are merely descriptions that should be skipped.

7. Do not create an attribute for one that has only one option. There is nothing to select. The following picture shows a wrongly added attribute where “Oval” is the only option.
